Thursday, May 05, 2011

Radical Teachers Push Marxist Agenda and Shift Culture Leftward

Far left teachers have young minds captured for 6 ½ hours a day and work subtly to fill them with Marxist and radical ideas. That’s what a New York City teacher explained [see the video here] at the recent socialist Left Forum, transcribed courtesy of the Washington Times:
“How do you act as a teacher…in a classroom? Kind of promote ideas of Marxism or kind of begin to (in-audible)? Ya’ know, I think part of it is, particularly at the high school level or at an elementary school level, you have to be careful, because your job…they want you to stick to fairly narrow things and that can be fairly frustrating about it. You can do it wherever you possibly can.”

You just need to be subtle about it. Can’t put up the Soviet flag. Can’t replace Washington’s picture with ole Karl. So how does one go about it?
“Part of it is just actually allowing for room for critical thought in the classroom and allowing for students to think for themselves to talk about issues wherever it’s possible to bring in history and you know…radical from the past… fight for that kind of thing. And I think there is space to do that. There is limitations that we have to do to try to provide that room in our classrooms. I think that radicals and socialists have a particular role to play in fighting for that type of education and bringing it whenever possible…”

And this scheme seems to be working beautifully.

A survey from late last year commissioned by the Bill of Rights Institute revealed that nearly half of U.S. adults thought a popular Marx saying —”from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” — originated from one of the founding documents.

Karl Marx in the same sentence as America’s founding documents. Let that marinate for a minute.

Their efforts are paying off and they’re moving America’s culture leftward. That doesn’t bode well for our roots of liberty and self-governance.


Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can’t Read

Africans in an African city

According to a new report, 47 percent of Detroiters are "functionally illiterate.” The alarming new statistics were released by the Detroit Regional Workforce Fund on Wednesday.
WWJ Newsradio 950 spoke with the Fund’s Director, Karen Tyler-Ruiz, who explained exactly what this means.

“Not able to fill out basic forms, for getting a job — those types of basic everyday (things). Reading a prescription; what’s on the bottle, how many you should take… just your basic everyday tasks,” she said.

“I don’t really know how they get by, but they do. Are they getting by well? Well, that’s another question,” Tyler-Ruiz said.

Some of the Detroit suburbs also have high numbers of functionally illiterate: 34 percent in Pontiac and 24 percent in Southfield.

“For other major urban areas, we are a little bit on the high side… We compare, slightly higher, to Washington D.C.’s urban population, in certain ZIP codes in Washington D.C. and in Cleveland,” she said.

Tyler-Ruiz said only 10 percent of those who can’t read have gotten any help to resolve it. The report will be used to provide better training for local workers.


Private universities 'need tougher regulations', says British charity

Private universities are a relatively recent phenomenon in Britain so the Leftist education establishment looks at them askance. Even the ancient universities at Oxford and Cambridge are government-funded and regulated. Hence the sheer silliness of the report below

Tougher regulations are needed to keep rising numbers of private universities in order, according to research. New sanctions should be introduced amid fears that some institutions offering degree-level courses may be “of questionable legitimacy or very poor quality”, said the Higher Education Policy Institute think-tank.

The warning comes just weeks after the Coalition signalled a major expansion of private providers. David Willetts, the Universities Minister, said students attending an independent university would be eligible for £6,000 a year in Government-backed loans from 2012 – double the current limit.

The move is being seen as an attempt to introduce more competition into higher education and reward private universities that are more likely to offer cut-price courses.

But in today’s report, HEPI called for a “clear definition of a reputable private provider and an agreed designation of acceptability”. “Only those institutions with this recognition should be entitled to benefit,” it said, adding that existing regulations intending to regulate private universities were complex and "scattered” within various different statutes.

Currently, five private organisations have degree awarding powers, with most offering specialist professional courses. Only one – Buckingham University – offers a wide range of degrees. At least 670 other private providers currently provide other further and higher education courses and numbers are likely to grow in coming years.

But the HEPI study – Private Providers in UK Higher Education – said evidence from the United States suggested that private providers were more likely to have high drop-out rates and offer low quality courses. [That would be news to Harvard and Yale!] "A key concern, as in the USA, is the existence of some private institutions of questionable legitimacy or very poor quality," said the study.

Sally Hunt, general secretary of the University and College Union, said: “We urgently need tougher regulation of for-profit companies if we are to protect quality and standards in our higher education system. As events in America have shown the for-profit model is fraught with danger for students and taxpayers alike and it is essential that our government rethinks its decision to embrace it.

“As today’s report shows, in its study of for-profits in America, publicly-funded education delivered by established providers offers a better quality of education.”


1 comment: said...

Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can’t Read

Or, Why Jamile can't read.

Your readers may be interested in reading Jared Taylor's Africa in Our Midst, a recollection of the human travesties during the Katrina episode.

Reports of bad-behaving blacks were largely ignored by the American press. Besides violating the politically correct agenda-driven cultural taboo of noting such stuff, it's not at all uncommon and, therefore, was not really news.

The Europeans, however, were unaccustomed to the experience and, understandably, the European press was significantly more thorough in reporting the human horrors of Katrina.